Paper for letter writing
11. Which Research Paper Topic Is Best Organized With A Comparison-And-Contrast Structure?
Thursday, September 3, 2020
The Best AP US History Books Full Expert Reviews
The Best AP US History Books Full Expert Reviews SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Need some assistance reading for AP US History? Look no further. In this post, we spread the best AP US History books, from reading material to prepare books, and even examination apparatuses, for example, cheat sheets and sites. Peruse on to get the best assist you with canning get for reading for the AP US History test. Best AP US History Textbook: The American Pageant, sixteenth Edition Amazon Price: $130 for hardcover, $70 for eTextbook As we shrouded in our survey of the best AP US History reading material, The American Pageant is by a wide margin the most well known APUSH course reading. In addition to the fact that it includes all the material you should know for the AP US History test, yet it likewise has loads of supportive instruments, including courses of events toward the finish of parts to assist you with getting down dates and essential sources to assist you with planning for the Document-Based Question (DBQ). Additionally, The American Pageant peruses more like a novel than it does a course book, such a significant number of understudies think that its more captivating than your typical US history class readings. (All things considered, on the off chance that you need a progressively clear course reading, look at our reading material survey post and furthermore continue perusing for our contemplations on APUSH prep books.) To take a concise model, this is the thing that The American Pageant segment presenting Christopher Columbus understands like: Onto this stage ventured Christopher Columbus. This talented Italian sailor convinced the Spanish rulers to furnish him with three little however safe boats, kept an eye on by a diverse team. Daringly, he spread out the sails of his cockleshell make and traveled westbound. His offbeat mariners, frightful of wandering in the maritime obscure, became progressively mutinous. Following a month and a half adrift, disappointment lingered when, on October 12, 1492, the group located an island in the Bahamas. Another world along these lines swam inside the vision of Europeans. This unquestionably seems like a novel! In examination, here's an increasingly clear course book presentation of Columbus (from the APUSH reading material Making America): Anxious to benefit from the new innovation and information, Christopher Columbus, an aggressive mariner from the Italian port city of Genoa, moved toward John II of Portugal in 1484 and requested that he bolster a journey westbound from Portugal, toward the East Indies. The lord denied when his geographers cautioned that Columbus had thought little of the separation. Determined, Columbus hawked his plan to different European governments throughout the following quite a while however found nobody ready to face the challenge. At last, in 1492, Ferdinand and Isabella's thrashing of the Moors gave Columbus a chance. Event is likewise a most loved of numerous instructors of the AP US History class (the course book is referenced on huge amounts of online journals and surveys from AP US History educators). So if you’re without a reading material for AP US History, you’re an educator looking for materials with which to show your class, or you simply need some additional examination material, this is the best APUSH course book to get. You can lease the most recent version of Pageant for around $30 on Amazon. In any case, here's another tip: you can as a rule purchase utilized more seasoned releases for much less. Since this book doesn’t change drastically between versions, purchasing an utilized more established release of it is an incredible method to get a too modest and helpful course reading for your AP US History contemplates. Best AP US History Review Book: Cracking the AP US History Exam, 2019 Premium Edition Amazon Price: $15-$20 for soft cover On the off chance that you’re searching for a book to help you altogether audit for the APUSH test, Cracking the AP US History Exam is your smartest option. (Note that a prep book doesn't supplant a course reading you would use during the school year-it’s a major picture outline, not an instructor!) This book has spotless, brief, comprehensible synopses of key AP US history focuses and occasions to help refresh your memory and audit what you have to know for the test. The rundowns are snappy and direct, so you don't need to toil through huge amounts of pages. This book likewise contains end-of-section audit inquiries to assist you with holding data as you travel through it. Not exclusively does Cracking the AP US History Exam spread all the recorded data for the APUSH test, yet it likewise invests plentiful energy clarifying the test expositions, including the dubious archive based inquiry. So essentially, the book prepares you for the AP US History test's material and encourages you prepare for the test itself. The 2019 premium version of the book additionally incorporates five full practice tests, which will in general be more testing than the genuine AP test. In any case, this is acceptable since it implies you'll get the most ideal AP practice. (Some prep books have the contrary issue in that their training tests are excessively simple, causing you step through the genuine examination to some degree ill-equipped.) Breaking the AP US History Exam likewise offers numerous supportive methodologies for handling different decision questions and obviously clarifies what number of crude focuses you should focus on to breeze through the assessment (get in any event a 3) or expert it (get a 5), contingent upon your objective. This information is very valuable in helping you build up a technique for the AP US History test. At last, the book furnishes you with access to the online AP Student Tools entryway for more practice, study designs, and authorized data about the test. Maybe the main significant drawback (in the event that you think of it as one) is that The Princeton Review's edge is to paint the AP US History test as a bogeyman, with the tone falling off a piece snarky. (I for one like Princeton Review books therefore, yet I realize others may incline toward materials that are less one-sided against the test.) Other AP US History Book Mini-Reviews In the event that you’re not a major aficionado of The Princeton Review’s edge or in the event that you simply need another prep book, here's a concise diagram of some other quality APUSH books available and their advantages and disadvantages. In view of your examination needs, you can select the best prep book (or books!) for you. Kaplan's AP US History Prep Plus, 2018-2019 Edition Amazon Price: About $15 for soft cover, $16 for Kindle Kaplan's most recent AP US History book gives you huge amounts of training, on account of the three full practice tests it incorporates. The training tests mirror the ongoing AP US History overhaul, not at all like some past mainstream top picks which had been scrutinized for not precisely refreshing their training tests (for instance, the books 5 Steps to a 5 and Crash Course). In any case, a few understudies stress that a large number of Kaplan's APUSH practice tests are excessively simple, with direct inquiries regarding the date of occasions, or DBQs concentrated for the most part on kid's shows/pictures as opposed to composed sources. What's more, the book needs answer clarifications to the different decision inquiries in the training tests, making it hard to figure out where you turned out badly. Decision: This is an extraordinary book for additional test practice, however it's not the best hotspot for a spotless and exact US history outline. While this shouldn't be your primary AP US History audit book, you can utilize it as a valuable asset in your prep. AP US History Crash Course, fourth Edition Amazon Price: About $13 for soft cover, $10 for Kindle AP US History Crash Course is the quickest perused as far as APUSH books, so it's most likely the most ideal decision if you’re when there's no other option! Intensive lesson is known for being extremely clear and brief. The downside here is that there's just one practice test, which means both The Princeton Review and Kaplan give you better value for your money as far as test practice. Decision: This is an incredible book for a snappy audit of AP US History themes and methodologies, yet it is anything but an extraordinary book on the off chance that you need loads of training. In the event that you have an educator who gives huge amounts of training tests and all you need is a concise survey of the material on the APUSH test, this is a decent book for you. AMSCO's United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination, 2018 Edition Amazon Price: About $25 for soft cover AMSCO's AP US History book has nice surveys and elegantly composed section tests that are like the genuine AP test; be that as it may, it just accompanies one full practice test toward the finish of the book, so it probably won't be the best arrangement out there. The greatest downside is that for reasons unknown the understudy version of this AP US History book doesn’t consequently accompany an answer key. It's additionally obviously difficult to arrange an answer key for the training questions. No one but instructors can arrange the appropriate response keys, so on the off chance that you need them you should figure out how to send them to your school. Decision: Since training tests are just helpful devices when you can audit the appropriate responses, except if you need to make a special effort to arrange this book and the appropriate response key, we recommend one of the other prep books on this rundown to spare yourself the difficulty. Barron's AP United States History, fourth Edition Amazon Price: About $15 for soft cover, $20-25 for Kindle Think about Barron's as the handyman, ace of-none: it has a fair outline of the AP US History test and five full-length practice tests (two in the book, three on the web); all things considered, it's not as smart and clear as The Princeton Review and it's not as succinct as Crash Course. This may be your smartest option on the off chance that you need a subsequent prep book or in case you're searching for access to loads of AP practice tests, yet it most likely shouldn’t be your best option. Decision: You should purchase a prep book in light of a reasonable objective: either for all-around audit and practice (Princeton Review), quick and proficient AP survey (Crash Course), or huge amounts of training tests (Barron's). Best Free Study Tool: Online AP US History Quizzes Simply searching for numerous decision practice and bunches of it? Our AP US History test direct offers an arrangement of the best AP US History tests, accumulated from course readings' sites and other free assets. By and large, we've discovered several tests you can take to become familiar with each significant time of US History. This is an incredible method to survey portions of US History you don’t recall that well or to get a general r
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Pte Academic Writing Essay Topics Samples
Pte Academic Writing Essay Topics SamplesThe first step to graduate level study in any academic discipline is to take up a Pte Academic Writing Essay topic samples. When you are trying to write a coherent essay, you will need to be able to distinguish between the various academic topics and the points of view that will be presented in each one. This will help you come up with a well thought out essay which will have a point of view that you can identify with.There are many types of essays that you will be required to read, as well as deal with in your professional or scholarly life. It is very important to be able to identify which particular topics you have to tackle in order to get a very good grade on your work. It may even help if you know that a certain kind of topic has a style for each type of subject. This will allow you to identify that a particular type of essay will have a style and how to handle it to the best of your ability.Most academic writing essay topics samples inv olve writing about a particular topic areas that may have been used in the past, as well as a list of other items of interest. This can be anything from an obscure computer file to a broad range of history. A Pte Academic Writing Essay should be written in a style that will enable the reader to understand what you are trying to convey to them.Academic writing essay topics samples are designed for people who are enrolled in college or university. Students in either of these study environments are required to take this sort of course work in order to get credit for their work. Many times, there are many different topics to which you are asked to devote a few paragraphs, which are then broken down into five or six separate sections that you are given to write. In addition to writing about each and every one of these topics, you also have to be able to distinguish your own opinions in all of them.The ability to formulate your own opinions and outline how you plan to present them in writ ing is not something that is taught in most schools, but is often learned from a professor's suggestions. In order to have a satisfactory Pte Academic Writing Essay, you must know where you are going to start, what that topic is all about, and what your opinion should be about that topic. You must also be able to accurately articulate your own viewpoint on the matter at hand.As a professor, you must also know where the audience for the piece of writing is. You should always know where your audience is coming from so that you know what type of topics you will be required to address. You should also know where your audience does not belong to in order to avoid offending those people.In addition to knowing where the audience is coming from, you should also know which specific people are taking the class in order to choose the various general topics that they should be addressing. You should also know when to cut or include sections that you consider unnecessary, boring, or just irrelev ant to the topics that you are required to write about. You will need to know how to present your point of view in the paragraphs that you have chosen, and it will be up to you to follow through and make sure that you present the point of view in the proper manner.Pte Academic Writing Essay Topics samples are always a good idea to find a good article topic that will help you get a better grade. The topics will be broken down into sections such as school, work, and others, and you will be able to pick the best one out. Then you will be able to focus on that topic and be able to make yourself comfortable in writing the paper.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Zipcar Refining the Business Model Essay Sample free essay sample
Zipcar is appealing to the financial specialists since it has a decent concern hypothetical record. There are 9 structure hinders for a fruitful concern hypothetical record: Customer Sections. Zipcar marks at the individuals who do non want to have an auto however once in a while needs the accommodation to use an auto in the urban areas. where there is an overwhelming base of potential clients. stopping was costly. what's more, the interest to drive is restricted. In Unite States. this market is huge and for all intents and purposes untasted. Offers. Not quite the same as the adversaries. Zipcar attempts to introduce comfort. effortlessness of use. opportunity to go. also, the issue free â€Å"ownership†for customers. Zipcar give rank. individuals can in a flash rent and return the auto in the closest topographic point. All the stores and Billingss are done on the web and it is sans bother. Other than. it gives lower rate to pull customers. Channelss. Through position and on-line hold. Zipcar can simple and quickly conveys its administrations to the customers. We will compose a custom paper test on Zipcar: Refining the Business Model Essay Sample or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In add-on. automobiles are left in assigned infinites in regions helpful to clients ; they only need five-minute stroll to a leaving area. Client Relationships. Zipcar give rank. Individuals would be given alone propinquity cards called Zipcards. Individuals can do a hold on the web. what's more, just swipe the Zipcards to secure dish to the rental cars. Income Streams. The gross originates from sedimentation. rank charge and rental expenses. Fitting to the monetary program. the one-year developing rate is relied upon to be 30 % . From twelvemonth 2 to 5. the overall gain before income upgrade will increment to multiple times of the old twelvemonth. Secret weapons. Zipcar has just possessed around 20 automobiles as cardinal asset. Other than. they had contracts with numerous enormous foundations for stopping. For human asset. ZipCar has a solid heading crew with the achievements of concern. financial arranging and capable expertness. Cardinal Activities. On the one manus. Zipcar has developed the designing stage to ensure its administrations. Zipcar has imagined a framework that empowered the clients to do a hold on the web. Other than. a card peruser was introduced inside the windscreen of each Zipcar to approve the clients to obtain into the auto. On the different manus. Zipcar do great notice occupations. They make a logo and use it as advertizement. Key Partnership. There are simply 2 adversaries in United States and they concentrated on the ecological effect of auto sharing rather than accommodation and cost effectivity. In add-on. Zipcar has associations with numerous large foundations for stopping Cost Structure. The expense of Zipcar incorporates overhead. vehicle buy. rental expense. fuel filling. protection and care. The fixed expense is in a little for every centum and can be diminished as the scale expansion. For a lift pitch. Zipcar is a refined auto sharing organization. We intends to introduce accommodation. effortlessness of use. opportunity to go. what's more, the issue free â€Å"ownership†for customers. Our individuals can do a fast save on the web. travel to the closest stopping area. what's more, secure the auto only by swiping the cards. Zipcar has developed the building stage. selling channels. bearing crew and vital associations to ensure the administrations. For the monetary segment. a high income cost proportions and guaranteeing developing rate have been demonstrated. Presently we are accepting to spread out our anxiety to Boston and turn out the Boston market’s suitability.
Monday, June 15, 2020
Ethernet Switching Modes Essay - 825 Words
Ethernet Switching Modes (Essay Sample) Content: Ethernet Switching ModesNameInstitutionEthernet Switching ModesEthernet is a group of PC systems administration technologies for the Local Area Networks (LANs) and to the Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs). Commercially, Ethernet technology was presented in 1980 and standardized as IEEE 802.3 in 1980. Since then, it has been refined to bolster higher bit rates and more link distances. After some time, Ethernet supplanted the contention of wired LAN advances, like FDDI, token ring and ARCNET (Feng et al., 2014). The essential option for the LANs is not a wired standard nature, but rather a remote LAN standardized as IEEE 802.11, which is referred to as the Wi-Fi.The Ethernet standards involve a few wiring and flagging variations of the OSI physical layer being used with Ethernet. The first 10BASE5 Ethernet utilized coaxial link as a common medium. Later the coaxial links were supplanted with curved pair and fiber optic connections in conjunction with switches or hubs (F eng et al., 2014). Throughout its history, Ethernet data exchange rates have been expanded from the initial three megabits for each second (Mbit/s) to the most recent 100 gigabits for every second (Gbit/s). The 400 gigabits per second is expected by mid-2017.Systems conveying over the Ethernet separate a surge of information into shorter pieces that are referred to as frames. Every frame contains estimation and source locations and lapse-checking data. In this case, damaged data can be distinguished and re-transmitted. According to the OSI model, Ethernet gives technological advances up to and including the layer that links the data. Since the release to the market, Ethernet has held a decent level of backward compatibility. Components, for example, the 48-bit MAC location and Ethernet format have affected other protocols of the network (Feng et al., 2014). Difference between Channels and Circuits BasicsThe distinction between circuits and channels fundamentally lies in the manner t hey are used. A channel is a segment of the circuit used to transmit a solitary voice or data signal. The data signal can be either 4 kHz motion in simple transmission (analogue) or 64 Kb/s motion in advanced transmission (digital). In Figure, correspondence between two CTOs happens in digital transmission mode and along these lines, constitutes a channel of 64 kHz data transfer capacity. Also, correspondence in the middle of modem and CTO happens on the simple channel of 4 KHz data transmission. In this case, a circuit may contain numerous channels together. INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 1: Data CommunicationIn the event of the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) essential rate interface (BRI) the service supports only three multiple channels. These are partitioned into two administration channels at 64 Kb/s each and a 16 Kb/s flagging channel. S imilarly, a Digital Signal I (DSI) circuit bolsters 24 64-Kb/s channels. The DS3 circuit underpins 512 64-Kb/s channels(Feng et al., 2014). Circuit and Packet SwitchesCircuit switched, and packet-switched networks utilize two unique advancements for sending data information, which starts from one point to the other. Each has both merits and demerits depending on what a person attempts too or accomplish. In packet networks, the data gets simplified to smaller data packets. The packets are then conveyed from the PC to the system searching out the most effective route to go as circuits allow access. This does not imply that they search the easiest and shortest route. Figure 2: Packet switch The concept of circuit designing was planned in 1878 so as to send phone calls down a channel. This diverts stays open and being used all through the entire call and can't be utilized by any other phone call or data.Figure 3: Circuit switchIt is less demanding and less costly to double the limit of a packet network switch. A circuit system is heavily reliant on the quantity of channels accessible. Circuit-switch innovations, which take four times as long to double their execution/expense, power ISPs to purchase that numerous more boxes to keep up. This is the reason why everybody is in a continuous search for the best approaches to get Internet traffic off the phone system (Phone network). The option of innovating the phone network to fulfill the interest development is monetarily impossible.The Concept of Ohms LawOhm's law expresses that the current passing through an electric conductor, which is between two points, is proportional to the potential distinction between the two points. In this case, proportionality constant (resistance) is introduced (Feng et al., 2014). It is clear from Ohm's law that the current through a resistor has factual changes, which depends on temperatur...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Importance of Names in Frankenstein and the Handmaids...
Names are a very important thing that most people are given shortly after birth. A name is â€Å"the word or words that a person, thing or place is known by†(Cambridge Online Dictionary (2011), Retrieved November 6th 2012). Names are given to identify an individual in replace of calling someone â€Å"it†, a term used to refer to something inanimate or without a name. A name shows that someone loves us enough to name us; to think about it with care and affection. Names surrounding the author have a great influence also and the main character in Frankenstein shares the penname of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary Shelley’s husband. In The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood uses the influence of feminism to create the names of the majority of the female†¦show more content†¦Victor’s hubris can also link to Satan in John Milton’s Paradise Lost. Formerly the most beautiful of all angels in Heaven, he is a tragic figure best described by the now-f amous quote Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven (Paradise Lost, Book One, Page 263). He is introduced to Hell after he leads a failed rebellion to wrestle control of Heaven from God. (Wikipedia (2012), Retrieved November 8th 2012). Anne Mellor said that â€Å"Frankenstein’s scientific project is clearly an attempt to gain power†(A Feminist Critique of Science). This can be seen though Victor’s speech about creating the Creature and his toils. We know that Victor is punished because he says â€Å"one by one, my friends were snatched away; I was left desolate.†The use of the term â€Å"friends†in this quote suggests that Victor does not feel any relation to William, his brother. He does not say â€Å"friends and family†which would have described his punishment accurately. The use of â€Å"one by one†creates imagery of the domino effect. The repetition of â€Å"one†can suggest that each death is linked; which in evitably they are. There was also no choice in the loss of his friends as they were â€Å"snatched†away from him. This violent verb represents the creature in a vicious light. The adjective â€Å"desolate†suggests that he is completely alone, even though he still has people that care for him. Victor’s best friend, Henry Clerval, whose name is phonetically similar toShow MoreRelatedEssay Prompts4057 Words  | 17 Pagesof Solitude Catch-22 Othello Crime and Punishment The Scarlet Letter The Crucible Slaughterhouse-Five A Farewell to Arms Song of Solomon Ghosts The Stone Angel The Great Gatsby The Stranger Heart of Darkness A Tale of Two Cities The House of Mirth Their Eyes Were Watching God Jude the Obscure 2003 (Form A): According to critic Northrop Frye, â€Å"Tragic heroes are so much the highest points in their human landscape that they seem the inevitable conductors
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Hunger Games - 686 Words
The Hunger Games The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins has many characteristics of a dystopian society. Propaganda is used throughout the book to control the citizens of society. The people of the twelve districts have their Information, independent thought, and freedom restricted. The type of dystopian control present is corporate control. Propaganda is use to control the citizens of society. â€Å"The real message is clear, ‘Look how we take your children and sacrifice them and there’s nothing you can do. If you lift a finger we will destroy ever last one of you. Just as we did in District Thirteen’†(Collins 19). This is the constant message the Capitol is telling the districts of what they can do, and this makes the citizens afraid of†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Then came the Dark Days, the uprising of the districts against the Capitol. Twelve defeated the thirteenth obliterate†(Collins 18). The Capitol used their power and technology they had to defeat th e districts, soon after the Capitol created the Hunger Games in order to take control of the districts and punish them for their rebellion. The dystopian protagonist that is present in the Hunger Games is Katniss Everdeen. â€Å"Finally, I am too restless to even stay in bed. I pace the floor, heart beating too fast, breathing too short. My room feels like a prison cell. I run down hall to the door to the roof. The energy field enclosing the roof prevents any desperate form of escape†(Collins 148) Katniss is often struggling to escape or feels like she’s trap, she knows that she’s a tribute in the hunger games and is afraid that she will never see her family again if she doesn’t come out as the victor. Through Katniss’s perspective you can easily recognize that there is something wrong with the society that she lives in. â€Å" I want to do something, right here, right now, to shame them, to make them accountable, to show the Capitol whatever the y do or force us to do there is a part of every tribute they can’t own†(Collins 237). Katniss knows that the Capitol is cruel and wrong for having the hunger games, forcing the tributes to kill one anotherShow MoreRelatedThe Hunger Games786 Words  | 3 PagesInsightful and based on morals and justice, The Hunger Games values the concern and compassion of characters like Katniss and Peeta, while finding fault in the inhuman and selfish ways of others. The novel focuses on Katniss Everdeen, the 16-year-old protagonist and tribute for The Hunger Games, pitted against twenty-three others in a gamble for her own life. Furthermore survival above all others is one of the most prevalent themes in The Hunger Games, providing a precarious feeling of one’s survivalRead MoreHunger Games Essay1087 Words  | 5 Pagesit shapes them into fighters, when faced with life and death a person would do almost anything to assure survival. This is greatly demonstrated in the boo k The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins when the main character Katniss Everdeen’s world is shifted upside down when her father dies and when she volunteers as tribute for the Hunger Games. After her father’s death the weight of the world was on Katniss’s shoulders, as she had to learn how to provide for, and keep her family alive. Her family consistedRead MoreThe Hunger Games : Mockingjay1116 Words  | 5 Pages YASHA’S BOOK REPORT- THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY PLOT ‘THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY’ takes place several months since the last outing, Catching Fire. Seventeen year old Katniss Everdeen has survived The Hunger Games twice, but along with her outstanding victory, which bewildered The Capitol’s devious Gamemakers. There were consequences. The infuriated president of Panem, President Snow, didn’t see actions taking place in order to eliminate Katniss, which was his bidding. Therefore, he plansRead MoreThe Movie Hunger Games Essay868 Words  | 4 PagesThe last movie is the novel adaptation, Hunger Games series came to a close on November 17, 2015. The final film in the series, Mockingjay Part 2, follows the same strategy as another young-adult movie franchise, Twilight. The book turned movie raised its nearly unknown cast to rock star status and enormous profit. This sci-fi, adventure is violent. Scenes of blood oozing out of actors and actresses earned the PG-13 rating. The violence was spread evenly, however, the out the 137 minute durationRead MoreSummary Of The Hunger Games Essay1373 Words  | 6 Pages The Hunger Games â€Å"â€Å"No, you can’t kill yourself, â€Å"I say. I’m on my knees, desperately plastering the bandage back onto his wound. â€Å"Katniss, â€Å"he says. â€Å"It’s what I want. â€Å"You’re not leaving me here alone, â€Å"I say. Because if he dies, I’ll never go home, not really. I’ll spend the rest of my life in this arena trying to think my way out. â€Å"Listen, â€Å"he says pulling me to my feet. â€Å"We both know they have to have a victor. It can only be one of us. Please, take it. For me.†And he goes on about howRead MoreEssay On The Hunger Games1027 Words  | 5 PagesThe Hunger Games - Essay By Lauren Wheeler Throughout the whole story of The Hunger Games, the author Suzanne Collins’ personal story plays a major role in the events of the annual hunger games, and is a great influence on the personality and development of the two tributes from District 12 and their struggle to survive in the cruel, harsh arena. The story of the Hunger Games takes place in the destroyed nation of North America, which is now Panem and contains twelve districts. These districtsRead MoreThe Road And The Hunger Games1962 Words  | 8 PagesBoth novels, The Road and The Hunger Games, share a common theme of survival and violence. In the book, The Road the entire setting and plot illustrate the apparent collapse of all on Earth and the violence of this dystopian world adds to the dreadfulness of survival, as many humans have reverted to terrible behaviors of murder and cannibalism. As well, a discussion of violence in The Hunger Games must consider the role violence plays in the narrative, although the film is about children who areRead MoreAnalysis Of The Hunger Games 1543 Words  | 7 PagesI am nearly one hundred percent positive your book, The Hunger Games has been the subject of discussion and controversy for as long as it has been published and read. Not even just the first book, either. From Katniss ’ first adventure through the vast, forested arena, to her second trials in Catching Fire, and finally the heroic revolution in Mockingjay, your series has been a topic of argument over radio shows, television and even my own dinner table. Therefore, I am also nearly one hundred percentRead MoreThe Hunger Games Essay1320 Words  | 6 PagesThe book The Hunger Games, portrays a society where people are treated unfairly based on factors that they cannot control. The people are born into one of 13 districts. There lives vary drastically based on where they are born. Someone born in the Capitol has a completely different life than someone born in district 12. A person born in the Capitol lives a wealthy life and is always treated with respect. On the other hand someone born in district 12 has a life of constant back breaking work. TheyRead MoreThe Hunger Games1061 Words  | 5 Pagesdistricts against the Capitol. Twelve were defeated, the thirteenth obliterated. The Treaty of Treason gave us the new laws to guarantee peace and, as our yearly reminder that the Dark Days must never be repeated, it gave us the Hunger Games. The rules of the Hunger Games are simple. In punishment for the uprising, each of the twelve districts must provide one girl and one boy, called tributes, to participate. The twentyfour tributes will be imprisoned in a vast outdoor arena that could hold anything
Effectiveness of Business
Question: Analyze the Business System with the effective understanding of the lacuna. Answer: The following paper is going to analyze the business system with the effective understanding of the lacuna. Since this business process deals with the funding for the psychiatric service provision to the youth who have been suffering from acute depression thus entailing to the commitment of suicide out of self outrage. During the analysis the problem has been detected that most of the youths tend to visit the counselor so as to discuss the problem and get rid of that through a certain medical procedure (Glowinski DAmelio, 2016). However, the problem lies in this fact that most of the youths have been found to have visited several counselors thus bringing perplexity into account because they have been treated differently by different practitioners thus letting them suppress their problems in front of the rest of the counselors. This has resulted in rise of certain perplexities such as suppression of problem thus resulting in lacuna in the medical treatment (Kerestes, 2014). In order to do away with such problem it has been felt that there is a certain need of documentation so that the cases are stored and they can easily be revised by the medical practitioners. It would easily avoid the professional complexities faced by them. This is how the need for the business system analyst has become highly important (Ragsdale, 2014). As a matter of fact, this has remained utmost for the basic understanding of the entire case with the basic understanding of the entire case pertaining to the basic understanding of the entire case With the basic understanding of the entire case it needs to be taken in to certain consideration pertaining to the basic understanding of the entire case with the help of different business understanding. Since this has remained a solid foundation for the entire understanding of the entire case it has to be taken in to certain consideration pertaining to the entre problem that was related to the basic understanding of the entire case (Arora et al. , 2017). Hence, the problem has been the lacuna of the medical diagnosis of mental condition that the youths have been suffering from. Capabilities: The capability of the business analyst is that it provides a firm documentation of the previous cases as it provides authentic documentation process with the help of different inbuilt procedure. The following documentation has the capability to connect both the operators and the practitioners into a single interface with the help of the case histories. Since the case histories are going to be kept within a single server that would provide information to both the professionals and the clients, this would be storing the information with every single update pertaining to the history and progress of every single treatment procedure. On the other hand, three different segments would be formed: Operator Admin Business Analyst This would help the components in devising the process into ease. Moreover, revision of the medical history would provide both the professionals and the clients with a firm and authentic idea of external medical practices. Benefits: Following benefits are to be taken into consideration: Lack of risk taking options for both the clients and the professionals A comprehensive study of medical case history Effective treatment process Substantial diagnosis of the problem The product and service value is enhanced A proper quantification can be structured for the business analysis The business objective of an organization can be well approached the gathered data can help the service organizations provide a specific understanding of the entire understanding of the basic case since it has been taken into certain consideration Rationale: The importance of such documentation process lies in the fact that this would be benefactor for most of the clients who tend to suppress their depression and do not open up in front of the doctors. As a matter of fact, this would ease the process of diagnosis thus bringing both the professionals and the clients under a single shed. More than 50% of the cases ought to be documented. According to Avants case study, there has been thorough loss of documentation has been effective in further business performance. As a matter of fact, it has been taken into certain consideration pertaining to the effective approach to the clients. Since this specific business deals with the a thorough study of the case history it needs to be surmounted to both the practitioners and the clients. References: Arora, P. G., Baker, C. N., Marchette, L. K., Stark, K. D. (2017). Components analyses of a school-based cognitive behavioral treatment for youth depression.Journal of Clinical Child Adolescent Psychology, 1-14. Glowinski, A. L., DAmelio, G. (2016). Depression is a deadly growing threat to our youth: time to rally.Pediatrics, e20162869. Kerestes, R., Davey, C. G., Stephanou, K., Whittle, S., Harrison, B. J. (2014). Functional brain imaging studies of youth depression: a systematic review.NeuroImage: Clinical,4, 209-231. Ragsdale, C. (2014).Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis: A Practical Introduction to Business Analytics. Nelson Education. Simmons, M. B., Elmes, A., McKenzie, J. E., Trevena, L., Hetrick, S. E. (2017). Right choice, right time: Evaluation of an online decision aid for youth depression.Health Expectations,20(4), 714-723.
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